Books for Geography Optional in UPSC CSE

There are really 8 books that spread right around 80-85% of the prospectus. 

It is updation, enhancement and more profound reasonable clearness that requires more books and inclusion of current issues based inquiries. Truly overseeing GS goes far in helping geology as well. 

Essential books 


Made Simple Series by Rupa Publication-Vol-I and II 

A testament course in geology by Goh Cheng Leong 

Reference Books 

Physical Geography-By Savindra Singh (If one needs to stay away from particular books for Physical Geography prospectus. There are 5 particular books by Savindra Singh have certain particular sections which are not secured through the above book. Inclusion of above Physical Geography course book covers practically 80% of the physical geology schedule). For different subjects of the Physical topography prospectus, one needs to allude to around 2-3 sections from each of the underneath books: One can take copies of the select parts from libraries and study instead of purchasing these books 

Geomorphology-By Savindra Singh 

Oceanography-By Savindra Singh 

Climatology-By Savindra Singh 

Condition Geography-By Savindra Singh 

Biogeography-By Savindra Singh 

Indian Geography by D R Khullar 

Human Geography by Majid Hussain 

Models and hypotheses by Majid Hussain 

Geological idea by Dixit 

Geological idea by Sudipta Adhikary ( A decent enhancement for Thought points) 

NCERT class X reading material, (Old Edition) is useful for Economic Geography Coverage. It will likewise help GS topography themes like-World Industries, World Resources dissemination and exchange. 

Settlement Geography by K Siddhartha 

Different References: 

Like in every single other subject, and in GS, understudies must peruse up different magazines and current issues based advancement. A portion of the sources one can be normal with are: 



Greagraphy and You 

NITI Aayog reports (especially, those on Agriculture, Infra, Regional turn of events, Rural improvement and so on) 

Select UN docs on Population, advancement and Env. (UNDP is generally useful)

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