SSC Exam FAQs – List of Most Asked Questions with their Answer

Intending to break SSC Exam? 

In the wake of learning with the full devotion for the subjects, there are some different questions likewise other than course books. SSC Frequently Asked Questions are the finished method to correct all your general questions identified with the SSC test. To determine your issues Eduncle has consolidated the rundown of top SSC FAQ with their answer. Continue perusing! 

Expectation this article, will assist you with tackling all your SSC test questions and you will pick up information on the assessment. 

SSC FAQs-Answers to All Your Queries! 

Question 1 – What is SSC test? 

Answer – SSC represents the Staff Selection Committee. SSC is the national level test which is led to enroll the different post in the services, branches of Government of India. It is led by the Staff Selection Commission. 

Question 2 – what number tests are led by the SSC? 

Answer – SSC for the most part leads 8 tests in particular: 




SSC Stenographer 




SSC Constable GD 

SSC Selection Post 

Question 3 – For which post SSC Exam is directed? 

Answer – SSC test is directed to select the possibility for different post under the Government of India. 

Staff Selection Committee directs the test each year to enlist the possibility to satisfy countless opportunities for the post like Auditors, Inspectors of Income-charge/Central extract, Grade-C Stenographer, Grade-D Lower Divisional Clerk. 

Question 4 – What are the necessary capabilities for the SSC test? 

Answer – The Staff Selection Committee leads the test normally to satisfy an enormous number of opportunities which are for Matrix pass, Secondary pass and the Graduated applicants. 

Question 5 – What is the test design for the SSC test? 

Answer – SSC test is held each year for various posts. Each test follows the distinctive test design. In any case, for a large portion of the posts, up-and-comers initially need to qualify the prelims test followed by the Mains and Interview. A few posts, for example, Section Officer, Investigators and so on don't have prelims test while presents like Stenographer requires on clear the composing abilities. 

Question 6 – What is as far as possible for SSC test? 

Answer – The general age limit rule falls between 18-27 years. The age unwinding is accommodated the held classification which is as per the following: 

Booked Caste/Scheduled Tribe: 5 years 

Other Backward position: 3 years 

Physical debilitated: 10 years 

Widows and separated from UR: 35 years age limit 

Widows and separated from SC/ST: 40 years 

Widows and separated OBC: 38 years 

Question 7 – Is there any SSC charges unwinding for any class? 

Answer – Yes, the Staff Selection Committee profits the charge unwinding for classes: 



Truly impaired 


Previously mentioned classification up-and-comers are absolved from the charge installment for a portion of the SSC test. 

Question 8 – Does Commission discharge any yearly schedule? 

Answer – Yes, the SSC discharges a yearly schedule for the assessment for the most part, in the period of September/October. You can check it from the official site of the SSC. 

Question 9 – Does SSC discharges any remedy structure to change the test date and test focus? 

Answer – No, the test authority doesn't engage such a solicitation from the applied competitors. Regardless of whether their test date is conflicting with different associations. 

Question 10 – How can a competitor apply for the SSC test? 

Answer – Once the commission discharges the notice, the applicant needs to first login utilizing their enrolled number and SSC enlistment secret phrase. Subsequent to signing in to the site they need to fill the Online Application Form. 

Question 11 – Is it conceivable to show up in 2019 SSC test with a similar enrollment number of 2017? 

Answer – No, after the dispatch of Commission's new site on 20-07-2018, Registration Number and Password apportioned preceding that date can't be utilized. The competitor would require to enlist once again enrollment number. 

Question 12 – How to make an expense installment? 

Answer – Candidate can without much of a stretch compensation the SSC test charge either by online mode or disconnected mode. For online mode, you can utilize BHIM UPI, Net Banking and for disconnected mode, installment can be made uniquely through the SBI bank challan. 

Question 13 – Is there any negative checking plan in the SSC test? 

Answer – Yes, SSC follows the negative checking plan. In any case, for each post, there is an alternate checking rule. You can check the official site for complete subtleties. 

Question 14 – what number opportunities are there in SSC test? 

Answer – There is no fixed number of the activity opening. Opportunities for the different posts are refreshed on the official site of the SSC. The concerned competitors can check the most recent warnings to stay up with the latest. 

Question 15 – Does SSC follows the standardization procedure? 

Answer – Yes, the standardization procedure is embraced distinctly for the test which is directed in the different movements for SSC test

Question 16 What is the system for onetime Registration? 

Answer – To enroll yourself, first visit the SSC official site. Snap on the SSC Registration Link on the correct side "(New User? Register Now)". Fill all the subtleties and follow the total SSC Registration Process

Question 17 – Does Commission change the test date in the event of conflicting with any another test date? 

Answer – No, the commission doesn't engage such solicitation to change the test date conflicting with other association's test date

Question 18 – What to do if there should be an occurrence of disappointment of photograph and mark in one-time enrollment process? 

Answer – All you have to do is, check your photograph and signature, size and arrangement. Checked shaded identification size photo in JPEG configuration and mark ought not surpass the scope of 20 kb. 

Question 19 – I'm not getting my enrollment and secret word on my enlisted email address. 

Answer – You can check your spam envelope in your email. On the off chance that in the event that, you despite everything didn't discover it there is a likelihood that you have entered wrong email ID. You can likewise contact the helpline number of the commission. 

Question 20 – Did the commission discount the charges once paid it? 

Answer – No, the commission doesn't discount any charge once it is paid. 

We trust that every one of your questions and inquiries fathomed in the wake of perusing this blog. 

In the event that you have more inquiries with respect to SSC 2019 FAQ. Benevolently drop your remark in the remark segment underneath. 

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